El “concepto hermenéutico”. Una interpretación del juicio estético puro kantiano desde Heidegger

  1. Guillermo Moreno Tirado 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Españ
Con-textos Kantianos: International Journal of Philosophy

ISSN: 2386-7655

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Titel der Ausgabe: La teoría estética de Kant

Nummer: 12

Seiten: 454-477

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Con-textos Kantianos: International Journal of Philosophy


This paper presents a foundation of the intellectual artefact “hermeneutic concept” based on an interpretation of the “Deduction of pure aesthetic judgment” of the third Kantian Critique. Since the denomination for this artefact and the first characterization is found in a Heidegger course, I will proceed by offering the context of discussion in which it arises, namely, the Heideggerian interpretation of the Kantian transcendental schematism. Then, I will give the interpretation of the Deduction that allows us the foundation of the “hermeneutic concept” and, once the route of that foundation is completed, two reading hypothesis will be outlined, one for the place of the third Kantian Critique in Heidegger’s work and another for the aesthetics in general and the Kantian aesthetic in particular.

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