Perder el sýmbolon. A propósito de un allanamiento
ISSN: 2250-8767, 2250-8740
Année de publication: 2019
Número: 8
Pages: 79-93
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Studia Heideggeriana
In this paper, section “a” of paragraph 72 of Heidegger's course The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. World, Finitude, Solitude of 1929-30 is analysed, interpreting that Heidegger's reading of the problem of the "happening symbol" in Aristotle can be a resource to expose in what sense our starting point for the reflexion on language has to be that of linguistics, in spite of the fact that this reflexion ends up showing that this science cannot be constituted as the ultimate foundation of the problem of language. We call this circumstance "losing the sýmbolon" because our starting point presupposes that there are no "linguistic sequences" marked beforehand, and it is precisely this mark that indicates the "happening symbol". This paper interprets, by way of conclusion, that the problem of language is presented to us as a phenomenon of symbolic breaking into and entering.
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