Resultaos del sufixu -ĔLLU / -ĔLLA na onomástica de la documentación del Real Hospiciu d’Uviéu (ss. XVIII-XIX)

  1. Menéndez Fernández, Claudia Elena 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


Lletres asturianes: Boletín Oficial de l'Academia de la Llingua Asturiana

ISSN: 0212-0534 2174-9612

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 122

Pages: 63-98

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17811/LLAA.122.2020.63-98 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Lletres asturianes: Boletín Oficial de l'Academia de la Llingua Asturiana

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This paper aims at giving account of the presence of the Asturian solution for the evolution of the Latin suffix -ĕllu, -ĕlla > -iello, -iella in the anthroponymic and toponymic forms present in the so-called Libros de los Expósitos, or Books of Foundlings, of the old Hospice of Uviéu. In order to study it, a textual corpus of 70 volumes between the years 1752 and 1850 has been mainly used. The analysis was based on all the surnames registered in these documents which contain the above-mentioned suffix (up to 40 related surnames: Casielles, Norniella, Taniello, etc.) and on the exploration of some aspects: the likely origin of the surname (detoponymic, or originated from a place name; delexical, or fixed from a common language appellative; or deanthroponymic, that is, resulting from a personal name), the number of cases, the typology and character of the examples, the comparison with the current geographical distribution, the presence of the corresponding Castilian or Castilianised expressions with the form -illo, or the contrast with the historical sources documented in the PatRom database for the analysed surnames. Finally, I will include a brief overview of the results regarding the suffix object of study, both in toponymy and in common lexicon, which can be found in the Libros de los Expósitos, or Books of Foundlings. While in the area of Onomastics solutions with the diphthong (-iello) are generally found, it is frequent to find some forms with a reduced form of the diphthong (-illo), which does not mean that these are necessarily Castilianised forms.

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