«Una vida toda de fantasías»el elemento fantástico en el teatro de Alejandro Casona
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 1132-2373, 2255-5463
Argitalpen urtea: 2019
Zenbakia: 32
Orrialdeak: 57-71
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Tropelías: Revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada
This article aims to study the fantastic element woven in Alejandro Casona’s plays as one of the main pillars of his work. As critics have pointed out, this fantastic element takes on vital importance in order to develop action both in real and unreal levels intertwining them thoroughly and making them impossible to unravel. Thus, we will study Casona’s procedure and goals while shaping this fantastic element within his works, focusing on the following titles: Otra vez el Diablo, La sirena varada, La dama del alba, La barca sin pescador, La casa de los siete balcones, Prohibido suicidarse en primavera and Los árboles mueren de pie.