Epistolario entre Gonzalo Puente Ojea y Pablo Huerga Melcón (1996-1999)

  1. Pablo Huerga Melcón
El Basilisco: Revista de materialismo filosófico

ISSN: 0210-0088

Ano de publicación: 2017

Número: 49

Páxinas: 31-55

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: El Basilisco: Revista de materialismo filosófico


On the occasion of the death of Gonzalo Puente Ojea on January 10, 2017, we recover here the set of letters that I exchanged with Gonzalo Puente Ojea between 1996 and 1999. The letters have two different themes, but all of them related to the background of Philosophical Materialism. The first series (1996-97) deals with the Philosophy of Religion that Gustavo Bueno developed in his work El animal divino, and the second (1997-99) on issues of ontology and materialistic gnoseology. Puente Ojea follows an enlightened and monistic philosophical perspective, typical of Soviet dialectical materialism, and away from the Western European dualist historical materialism that has resulted in the undefined leftism of the current populist parties. The response against Puente Ojea has to do with a systematic defense of pluralism and a criticism against its metaphysical approach to the philosophical idea of Matter. In total, there are 17 documents, between letters and notes. Although all were written for my personal use, finally Puente Ojea would eventually publish two of the most extensive to make public their discrepancies against the philosophical materialism that subsequently generated public controversy.