Falacias de suma cero en las lógicas del despojo. La continua representación de “lo indígena” y “lo rural” como oposición a la ideología desarrollista en Ecuador y Bolivia

  1. Pérez Gañán, Rocío
Estudios Rurales

ISSN: 2250-4001

Año de publicación: 2017

Volumen: 7

Número: 12

Páginas: 138-164

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Estudios Rurales


In this article we analyze the representations of the indigenous and the rural that are articulated vis-a-vis the state logic in relation to the development of agribusiness. In this sense, the reconstructed notion generates a series of meanings and perceptions of the indigenous united with the “backwards” or “behind” notion of rurality, which, in a majority of cases, enters into dispute with the public-private necessities of development (and forms of capitalist production). By way of an historical representation of the indigenous as “backwards” and “in need of development”, there has been an attempt in both countries to shed light on how the production of public policies in Ecuador and Bolivia have been articulated as a continuance of this notion of backwardness, thereby contributing to the progressive dispossession and expulsion of indigenous peoples from their lands an favoring the production transformation of those very lands; thus, “the indigenous” is reduced ever more to a local family production or alternative on the margin of competitive market production