Analysis and Classification of Inappropriate Strategies Used by Students to Find the Winning Strategy in Catch the Frogand Daisy Games

  1. Lorenzo-Fernández, Esther 1
  2. Jordi Deulofeu 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


  2. 2 Universitat de Barcelona

    Universitat de Barcelona

    Barcelona, España


The 11th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Educational: (ICEUTE 2020)
  1. Álvaro Herrero (ed. lit.)
  2. Carlos Cambra (ed. lit.)
  3. Daniel Urda (ed. lit.)
  4. Javier Sedano (ed. lit.)
  5. Héctor Quintián (ed. lit.)
  6. Emilio Corchado (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Springer Suiza

ISBN: 3-030-57798-8 3-030-57799-6

Año de publicación: 2021

Páginas: 21-29

Congreso: International Conference on EUropean Transnational Educational (ICEUTE) (11. 2020. Burgos)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


This research is framed in the area of didactic mathematics, particularly within the so-called small strategy games. These games are intrinsically related to problem solving, because the different winning strategies used to solve a game are often similar to those applied in problem solving situations. This paper analyses the responses provided by students while playing the games Frog Catcher and Daisy in pairs. This is an empirical study with 422 students in years 1 and 3 of Spanish Secondary Education (ESO) [years 8 and 10 of secondary education (IGCSE)]. The objective is to carry out a qualitative analysis of the different types of inappropriate strategies used by the students in their effort to find the winning heuristics in both games. In addition, a classification of these inappropriate strategies is established.