El personalismo obrero en las sociedades del siglo XXI¿Hacia una sociedad personalista y comunitaria?

  1. Raúl Carbajal López
Sociedades y culturas: IX Congreso de Historia Social. Treinta años de la Asociación de Historia social. Comunicaciones. Oviedo, 7-9 de noviembre de 2019
  1. Santiago Castillo (coord.)
  2. Uría, Jorge (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación de Historia Social

ISBN: 9788409124855

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 229-248

Congress: Asociación de Historia Social. Congreso (9. 2019. Oviedo)

Type: Conference paper


The philosopher Emmanuel Mounier considered that personalism should encompass all the people who defend the oppressed working class. If it were necessary to summarize this movement in four words, it would be antithesis, denunciation, struggle and self-criticism. Mounier, influenced by Christianity, guided his philosophical reflections at the service of the most punished and oppressed class of contemporary bourgeois societies: the proletariat. Like Gramsci, Mounier believes that it is necessary to work to improve the development of union and political life, the capitalist system and the egalitarian and just social system. The values "Work and be good" complement the social action of each person. Through this contribution, we will reflect on the challenges and opportunities that Workers’ Personalism offers in 21st century societies.