Rol enfermero en la evacuación de cuidados intensivos.

  1. David Zuazua Rico 1
  2. María Sierra Rico
  3. Emilio Velasco Castañón
  4. Gemma Nevado Vega
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


IX Jornadas de profesorado de centros universitarios de enfermería: la Investigación en enfermería
  1. Isabel del Puerto Fernández (dir. congr.)
  2. Idoia Ugarte Gurrutxaga (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Conferencia Nacional de Decanos/as de Enfermería. CNDE

ISBN: 978-84-608-1289-0

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 274-292

Congress: Jornadas de profesorado de Centros Universitarios de Enfermería (9. 2015. Toledo)

Type: Conference paper


Hospital disasters are a less studied threat in Spain by their low appearance tax nonetheless, they are a continuous danger. At intensive care units, the health plight, as well as the rush of the situation, make this a challenge for the health workers. Objective: To know the nurses role during an internal disaster in an intensive care unit. Methodology: Review and analysis of the aspects implicated in the evacuation of the intensive care unit. Content: United Kingdom has an average per year of 500 hospitals fires during 1994-2005. United States 275 hospitals evacuations during 1971-1999, the Fukushima incident obligued to evacuate 8 hospitals. United Nations and World Health Organization promote hospitals safety since 2008. Nations like United States have structured protocols to apply in case of ICU disaster. In Spain, laws like R.D.393/2007 and health ministry establish recomendations about disaster preparation.Triage, dependency, staff, material needs, identification and clinic history are the main points in the evacuation of an intensive care unit. Nurses have unique features between heatlh professions, the have skills and knowledge that apply naturally everywhere. Disaster formation is a need established by the World Health Organization.Comments: Disaster formation is an essential need for all nurses. Patient safety c oncept may go beyond the associated hospitalisation pathology.