Otros modos de ser/amarRosario Castellanos
ISSN: 1699-597X
Argitalpen urtea: 2017
Zenbakien izenburua: Alter/Nativas Feministas
Zenbakia: 12
Orrialdeak: 221-229
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia
Mexican writer Rosario Castellanos knew that other ways of being a woman and a free subject were possible, and it was this very desire that became the leitmotiv of her work. Regarding love, it has been said that Castellanos was convinced that it was impossible for her to live without the love of her husband, as she seems to underline in Cartas a Ricardo (1994). She concludes one of her well-known poems, “Meditación en el umbral”, with lines that encourage us to claim new ways of being. It is my purpose to redirect this aim towards new ways of loving within a romantic relationship. To do so I will use Luce Irigaray’s poststructuralist theoretical framework on love. This critic makes us question, as Castellanos did, our identity, but differs from the Mexican writer in trying to find an answer and, regarding love, deeply encourages us to deconstruct a culture which should modify romantic relationship stereotypes, since other ways of being and loving are possible.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
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