Violencia y redes de apoyo social en las relaciones de noviazgo entre universitarias iberoamericanos

  1. Fco. Javier Rodríguez- Díaz 1
  2. Juan Herrero Olaizola 1
  3. Cristina Estrada 2
  4. Andrea Verónica Torres 3
  5. Luis Rodríguez-Franco 4
  6. Javier López-Cepero 4
  7. Claudia Chan Gamboa 2
  8. Carolina Bringas 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


  2. 2 Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco (México)
  3. 3 Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy (Argentina)
  4. 4 Universidad de Sevilla

    Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla, España


Psicología jurídica: áreas de investigación
  1. Francisca Expósito (ed. lit.)
  2. M. Carmen Herrera (ed. lit.)
  3. Gualberto Buela (ed. lit.)
  4. Mercedes Novo (ed. lit.)
  5. Francisca Fariña (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense ; Consellería de Presidencia, Administraciones Públicas e Xustiza ; Junta de Galicia = Xunta de Galicia

ISBN: 978-84-693-9269-0

Year of publication: 2010

Pages: 3-29

Type: Book chapter

Sustainable development goals


Gender-based violence in the adolescent period referred to sexist attitudes and gender stereotypes as risk factors for the development of abusive behavior in dating relationships emotional. The aim of this study is to present and analyze the received and perceived social support for victims who havesuffered a violent situation, referring to her the different characteristicsobserved during the cohabitation in dating relationships and their implicationsfor intervention from the perspective on the context reference. The sample iscomposed of university students from Spain, Mexico and Argentina, with agesbetween 16 and 26. The analysis of reality is addressed in the Dating ViolenceQuestionnaire (CUVINO) and Perceived Social Support. The results indicate alow frequency to acknowledge having been victims of abusive behavior amonguniversity students, while confirming to the trouble to protect against abuse,differing according to their place of origin. The results also indicate thatuniversity students get into your network of support people outside the family,still less its presence in the Latin American sample, which is still present on the figure of the mother