Los servicios públicos localescalidad, externalización y control

  1. José Rama
  2. Anne-Marie Reynaers
  3. Carmen Navarro
  4. Moneyba González Medina
Anuario de Derecho Municipal

ISSN: 1888-7392

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Zenbakia: 13

Orrialdeak: 231-253

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anuario de Derecho Municipal


The quality of public services and their outsourcing are frequently questioned in the Spanish political arena, and yet, in empirical terms we know little about both the perceived quality of public services by citizens and the scope of their outsourcing. This article aims at increasing our knowledge on both issues by analysing quantitative and qualitative data on the assessment of public services, the extent of public service outsourcing at the local level in Spain, and the conditions under which outsourced services are monitored and controlled. The main findings are that citizens generally have a good perception of public services and that the level of satisfaction increases for those provided by municipalities. They also prefer services to be provided by a public institution rather than a private one; all this in a context in which the outsourcing of services has been a constant from the outset and has developed extensively in Spain and in which re-municipalizations, although they exist, have not reversed the widespread pattern of private provision. Against this background, the function of monitoring and control of contracts seems to be the cornerstone to guarantee the quality of outsourced services, and yet our research shows that there seem to be limitations to the optimal development of this function.

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