Efecto del abonado nitrogenado sobre el primer corte de primavera en un cultivo invernal de raigrás italiano

  1. J.A. Oliveira-Prendes
  2. E. Afif-Khouri
  3. P. Palencia-Garcia
  4. J.J. Gorgoso-Varela
Los pastos: Nuevos retos, nuevas oportunidades
  1. Leopoldo Olea Márquez de Prado (coord.)
  2. Sara M. Rodrigo (coord.)
  3. Óscar Santamaría Becerril (coord.)

Éditorial: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos

ISBN: 978-84-695-6999-3

Année de publication: 2013

Pages: 227-234

Congreso: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos. Reunión Científica (52. 2013. null)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


Dry matter biomass production and nutritional status were determined in the first harvest ofa mixture of three Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) cultivars (the tetraploids ‘Jivet’ and‘Barspirit’ and the diploid ’Barprisma’) in Asturias (N Spain). Three nitrogen (calcium ammoniumnitrate) fertilization treatments were compared: 0 kg N ha-1, 40 kg N ha-1 or 80 kg N ha-1 applied byhand in March of 2010, 2011 and 2012. In May of each year, samples of vegetation (28-30) werecollected at random from each treatment plot to evaluate biomass production and to evaluate thenutritional status of the forage by foliar analysis. The different doses of nitrogen had significantlydifferent effects on production and N and P but not on K, Ca and Mg nutrient contents of the biomass.The application of 80 kg N ha-1 was the best in terms of biomass production and N and P foliar content.