El estado de bienestar 4.0

  1. Expósito Gázquez, Ariana
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Francisco Pérez Gálvez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 24 September 2021

  1. Ángel Manuel Moreno Molina Chair
  2. Salvador Cruz Rambaud Secretary
  3. Patrizia Magarò Committee member
  4. Ramón Terol Gómez Committee member
  5. Miriam Cueto Pérez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 682233 DIALNET


This doctoral thesis consists of four interrelated chapters, which gradually deepen about the study and analysis of the Welfare State and the changes that the development of the Digital Revolution is causing in it. The first chapter deals with the evolutionary process undergone by the structure of social provision and protection, from its origin to the present day. The second chapter includes a study of the effects that the Internet Revolution has had on all sectors of society, as well as the consequences that the Digital Revolution is expected to have on the legal system. The third chapter analyses the electronic evolution that the branches of goverment have undergone, both in terms of their structures and the services they provide. Finally, the fourth chapter sets out the foundations for the reconstruction of the Spanish Welfare State to guarantee its sustainability, taking account into the characteristics of the emerging digital society