Phylogenetic classification of ten novel species belonging to the genus Bifidobacterium comprising B. phasiani sp. nov., B. pongonis sp. nov., B. saguinibicoloris sp. nov., B. colobi sp. nov., B. simiiventris sp. nov., B. santillanense sp. nov., B. miconis sp. nov., B. amazonense sp. nov., B. pluvialisilvae sp. nov., and B. miconisargentati sp. nov

  1. Lugli, G.A.
  2. Calvete-Torre, I.
  3. Alessandri, G.
  4. Milani, C.
  5. Turroni, F.
  6. Laiolo, P.
  7. Ossiprandi, M.C.
  8. Margolles, A.
  9. Ruiz, L.
  10. Ventura, M.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology

ISSN: 1618-0984 0723-2020

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 44

Issue: 6

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.SYAPM.2021.126273 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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