Career development guidance in students at risk of social exclusion. Contributions from scientific literature

  1. María Eugenia Martínez Serrano
  2. María del Henar Pérez Herrero
  3. Joaquín Lorenzo Burguera Condon
Orientación y calidad educativa universitarias
  1. Pedro Allueva Torres (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Zaragoza

ISBN: 978-84-16723-62-1

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 675-682

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria (CIOU) (2018. 1. Zaragoza)

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


The theme around which this work is articulated is the vision that the scientific literature contributes on the Orientation for the Development of the Career in the different educational stages, from Primary and Secondary, to the University. The general objective of the work was to conduct a review of the scientific literature on Career Development Guidance from 1990 to 2017, paying special attention to that which refers to the most vulnerable or at-risk students. social exclusion, in order to propose intervention strategies that encourage decision-making processes tailored to their needs. The search, review and analysis has covered databases that collect documents, articles and research on this topic in socio-legal sciences. The descriptors applied are: “career guidance”, “career counseling”, “career development”, “risk of social exclusion”, “vulnerable groups”(in English and Spanish) considered independently and combined with Boolean operators. The initial search provided 628 documents in Spanish and English, of which those that did not correspond to scientific articles were eliminated. A more exhaustive search process reduced the result to 121 references, of which 18 meet the established criteria. In each document the variables have been considered: objectives, sample, design, information collection instruments, dimensions, data analysis and results achieved. In all cases, the authors point out as the main barrier of these groups the difficulties to access the labor market and advocate significant changes in the functioning of the Guidance services so that the most vulnerable students can participate in making decisions about their itineraries vital and professional.