Estudio experimental de las propiedades térmicas, hidráulicas y mecánicas de rellenos geotérmicos sometidos a diferentes condiciones de operación y propuesta de alternativas

  1. Indacoechea Vega, Irune
Supervised by:
  1. Daniel Castro Fresno Director
  2. Pablo Pascual Muñoz Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 30 October 2020

  1. Francisco Ballester Chair
  2. Felipe Álvarez Rabanal Secretary
  3. Eugenio Pellicer Armiñana Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 637604 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


The central axis in this research is the characterisation of geothermal grouting materials and the study of the evolution of their properties along time, under normal and extreme operating conditions. Initially, the use of grouts with high water/solid ratio was evaluated. Thermal conductivity, mechanical resistance and permeability of five grouts with different amounts of water, cement, sand and bentonite were determined. Besides, these formulations were subjected to cold-heat, freeze-thaw, and dryness-humidity cycles. Next, nine fluid mortars, with lower water content, were proposed and characterised. In these formulations, different additions and additives were used with the aim to improve its thermal, mechanical and hydraulic properties. Among the conclusions of this study, highlights the higher efficiency of the fluid mortars from the point of view of the thermal, mechanical and durability performances, offering the opportunity to be used in applications of higher thermal and environmental demands.