Un universo de imágenes y lenguas. Una propuesta para abordar la diversidad cultural en las aulas

  1. Francos Maldonado, Concepción
  2. Villaverde Aguilera, Mª José
Investigar para acompañar el cambio educativo y social: el papel de la Universidad : libro de actas
  1. Calvo Salvador, Adelina (coord.)
  2. Rodríguez Hoyos, Carlos (coord.)
  3. Haya Salmón, Ignacio (coord.)

Éditorial: Santander, AUFOP-Universidad de Cantabria, 2014

ISBN: 978-84-697-1382-2

Année de publication: 2014

Pages: 520-530

Congreso: Congreso Internacional sobre la Formación del Profesorado (13. 2014. Santander)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


In a multicultural, globalized and interconected world, the educative area has significant challenges. In this comunication we present a proposal of how from the intercultural-antiracist approach, and from one of its premises, which is the recognition of the knowledge learned by the subjets, and thus their identities, cultural diversity is addressed with a proposal in which students share tasks where they notice how they build their identities and engage with the other students ones; they address the learning of Spanish second language and come near to curricular contents of nonlinguistic areas. In the first part we collect some keys of the theoretical frame in which we rely: the interculturalantiracist approach, afterward we will pause in some aspects of the teenage identities construction, which in case of young foreigners can be even more complex if possible, to finally expose a didactic proposal accomplished in a secondary school multicultural classroom.