Experiencias activas, espacios pasivos. Una propuesta de Educación Artística contemporánea en espacios tradicionales
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 2340-9096
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: Lugares y No Lugares para la creación artística
Issue: 4
Pages: 47-58
Type: Article
More publications in: Tercio creciente
While teaching methodologies have been moving towards an active approach, the educational space has remained unchanged over the last century, in response to an organizational system that is part of an obsolete educational paradigm. Although this anachronism between teaching practice and educational space is prevalent in the case of contemporary Artistic Education, the lack of correspondence is particularly noticeable.From the course of Didactic of Artsin the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education of the University of Oviedo, it is proposed, within the initial training of future teachers, to awaken their conscience and develop their sensitivity towards the physical space in which they will carry out their professional work as part of their learning.Through artistic educational proposals in which the space is a fundamental factor on an aesthetic, structural and conceptual level, students will experience the possibilities of the physical environment, which will have an impact on their future teaching practice.
Bibliographic References
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