Apuntes sobre la incidencia de la pobreza relativa y absoluta en la población y en los trabajadores. Comparación entre 2009 y 2013
ISSN: 1575-7048
Year of publication: 2014
Issue Title: Pobreza trabajadora
Issue: 31
Pages: 63-81
Type: Article
More publications in: Lan harremanak: Revista de relaciones laborales
This paper shows the current poverty rate (relative and absolute) and how far different features (personal, coexistence and employment) are associated with this situation. Furthermore, it considers the influence of the economic crisis (2009-2013) in a possible change in the relative importance of these features. To do this, relative and absolute poverty rates in Spain are analysed using two Eurostat indicators: risk of poverty and severe material deprivation, through the Survey on Living Conditions (ECV) by the Spanish statistical body INE. The results show it is useful to use both indicators, as the general rate of risk of poverty is not affected by the crisis (because the average income of Spanish households fell and with it the poverty threshold), so it is appropriate to qualify its results with material deprivation. Moreover, this superficial description includes the two factors associated with poverty as already discussed in specialist literature in Spain: the presence of minors in the household and its low work intensity. It also shows that the groups most affected by the current economic crisis are the unemployed, followed by young people.
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