El filtro como metáfora educativa. Una propuesta a/r/tográfica
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 2659-7721
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 1
Pages: 49-57
Type: Article
More publications in: Afluir: revista de investigación y creación artística
Through this photo essay, reflection on the concept of the filter as an educational metaphor is proposed from an a / r / tographic approach. A reflection on the type of mediations that we carry out between the artistic and educational, between teaching and learning, between research and teaching. Are filters necessary to be able to look? What do we want to filter? Are we aware of all the filters? Even the ones we offer in our teaching practice? What elements work as filters? We therefore face this photo-essay a / r / tographically from three points. First of all, as a creation that visually investigates the filter as a metaphor, putting it in dialogue with concepts such as reflection, projection, magnification, or distortion. Second, we propose an inquiry into the possible uses of the filter idea as an educational tool and as a learning trigger. Third, we approach this photo essay as a questioning of our own teaching practice, generating a reflection on the type of mediations or accompaniments that we can offer between learning and artistic teaching. This proposal is part of our doctoral thesis research on Artistic Teaching Methodologies within the Arts and Education Program of the University of Granada. The images that we will use to compose the photo essay connect three areas of our experience. On the one hand, we will use photographs that have been taken in the Artistic Education sessions of the Lainopia project that we develop in various educational and artistic spaces in Asturias since 2015. We will also use photographs taken during our teaching in Plastic Expression classes and its Didactics of the Degree in Primary Education Teacher of the University of Oviedo. Finally, we will use images created during our research stay in the Doctoral Program in Art Education at the University of Lisbon.
Bibliographic References
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