Elaboración de vídeos docentes: más allá de la Flipped Classroom
- Ginesa Ana López Crespo 1
- Camino Álvarez Fidalgo 1
- José Manuel Lerma Cabrera 2
- David Carralero Esteban 3
Universidad de Zaragoza
Universidad de Almería
- 3 Bosonit
ISSN: 1989-3558
Ano de publicación: 2020
Número: 28
Páxinas: 17-23
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Hekademos: revista educativa digital
The fast development of Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has led to the popularization of new teaching methods, such as the flipped classroom. The flipped classroom consists of taking the transmission of knowledge out of the face-to-face class, while freeing up time in the classroom session to develop activities that traditionally took place outside it, such as applying the previous acquired knowledge. One way to take the theoretical content out of class is to create and share videos that the students have to watch before going to the classroom. In the project presentedhere, the Edpuzzle platform was used for this purpose. The results showed that a relatively high percentage of students watched the videos before going to class, although this percentage rises considerably when we take into account the number of students who watch videos at any time throughout the semester. According to this we conclude that although preparing videos involves a high teacher's effort, this effort is rewarded since it contributes to more meaningful learning when these videos are watched before going to class.
Referencias bibliográficas
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