Valoración de la distancia psicológica en procesos de selección de mercados internacionales

unter der Leitung von:
  1. José Luis Placer Galán Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 07 von November von 2014

  1. Juan Antonio Trespalacios Gutiérrez Präsident
  2. J. L. Vázquez Burguete Sekretär/in
  3. Carlos Flavián Blanco Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Exporting products is a creative activity of wealth for the economy of a nation. The structure of the Spanish companies is characterized by the predominance of small and medium enterprises which export of goods and services is established as the main strategic tool with which this type of company develops its international business. The selection of international markets is an essential and strategic decision of enormous complexity in the design of the outside business of the firm to the great diversity of markets that offer significant signing the business opportunities and threats. The presence of the psychological distance under certain circumstances act as incentive market selection, limiting the choice decision those countries closer in terms of psychological perception. The lack in systematic methods of selection of export markets in most of the Spanish SMEs identify those psychics claim dimensional components that determine the strategic activity of commercial internationalization, identifying the factors that limit the choice of export markets and as those that act as moderators of the phenomenon of perception. The experience and learning acquired by the organization are critical factors that allow selection decisions markets gradually evolve towards increasingly psychically distant markets. This circumstance allows the company to replace market selection decisions for other substantial subjective exclusively on objective business decisions.