La «Fana» de Genestazaun ejemplo de sistema torrencial activo en la Cordillera Cantábrica
- Montserrat Jiménez Sánchez 1
- Rosana Menéndez Duarte 1
- Pedro Farias Arquer 1
- Susana Fernández Menéndez 1
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 1996
Issue: 20
Pages: 1109-1111
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
«La Fana de Genestaza» is an active mountain torrent representative of these kind of systems in the Cantabrian Moµntains. As the field evir:lences show, the availability of non consolidated material in the catchment area is due to rockfall processes as well as to small landslides. Although water transport processes are prevailing, sporadic discharges of debris-flow take place in the drainage channel. This process is controlled not only by the rainfall regime but also by the volume of available material in the catchment area. The field evidences suggest a relatively high frequency far the occurrence of this kind of episodes.