Mortalidad hospitalaria de los pacientes tras el alta en la unidad de cuidados intensivos

  1. Lucía Reguera Suárez 1
  2. Joaquín Morís de la Tassa 2
  1. 1 Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias. Asturias, España
  2. 2 Hospital Universitario de Cabueñes. Asturias, España.
Nuberos científica

ISSN: 2173-822X

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 3

Zenbakia: 25

Orrialdeak: 6-11

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Nuberos científica


Introduction: In-hospital mortality after intensive care unit (ICU) discharge is the one which takes place in the hospital inpatient ward, once the patient is stable and has been discharged from ICU. It reflects the quality and efficiency of the intensive care treatment. The objective of this study is to determine the hospital mortality rate of patients discharged from the ICU at the University Hospital of Cabueñes. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of patients who died in the ward after discharge from the ICU at University Hospital of Cabueñes. The study period was from 01/06/2014 to 30/06/2016 Results: 36 patients took part in the study with a mean age of 72.86 years. Patients were admitted for respiratory disease (38,9%,) for hemodynamic reasons (22,2%) and for cardiac reasons (19,4%). In addition, 66.6% of the cases came from the emergency room or operating theater. The average ICU length of stay was 19.61 days and 77.78% of the patients experienced some kind of complication. The average inpatient hospital ward lengh stay was 14.11 days and 80.5% of the patients suffered from complications. The cause of death in the wards was related to the cause of admission to the ICU (in 72,2% of cases). The hospital mortality rate was found to be 5.51%. Conclusions: The hospital mortality rate obtained in this study is similar to those described in the literature

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