Desarrollo de un procedimiento para la optimización del comportamiento de un firme flexible mediante el empleo de un geosintético como elemento antirremonte de fisuras

  1. Zamora Barraza, David
Supervised by:
  1. Miguel Ángel Calzada Pérez Director
  2. Daniel Castro Fresno Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 20 November 2008

  1. Félix Edmundo Pérez Jiménez Chair
  2. Francisco Ballester Secretary
  3. Adriana Martínez Committee member
  4. Juan Antonio Polanco Madrazo Committee member
  5. Juan José del Coz Díaz Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 186801 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


This thesis has developed a procedure, based on two lab tests, that helps to select the geosynthetics and the optimal binder percentage more suitable to optimize adherence and durability in front of a reflect crack. Besides, the failure is studied that these materials may suffer as a consequence of temperature when in contact with a hot-mix asphalt. The Bond-test is static and determines the shear stress necessary to move, in a three-layer system, the central specimen in relation to the exterior ones. This test has demonstrated through statistical analysis that is sensitive to the geosynthetic employed, to the variation of binder content applied to each geosynthetic, the kind of asphalt residue used and the procedure to manufacture specimens. The anti-reflective cracking test is dynamic, applied on a two-layer specimen, where a crack has been induced in the lower side. This test has helped to assess the influence on durability on different kinds of geosynthetics; moreover, helps to establish the optimum binder contents to obtain the system highest durability.