Hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of materials used in road pavement construction

  1. Norambuena Contreras, José Ernesto
Supervised by:
  1. Daniel Castro Fresno Director
  2. Enrique Asanza Izquierdo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 25 June 2013

  1. Joaquín Diaz Pascual Chair
  2. Jorge Rodríguez Hernández Secretary
  3. José Manuel Martínez Santamaría Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 345762 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


This Ph.D thesis presents a study on the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of materials used in road pavement construction. With this purpose, different road materials as asphalt mixtures, soils under unsaturated conditions, and subsurface drainage systems, have been evaluated. Accordingly, the development of this thesis has been organized in seven main research chapters. The main topics of study have been as follows: water flow, damage and reinforcement evaluation of different asphalt mixtures, hydraulic behaviour of unsaturated soils: numerical modelling and experimentation, and design of a new prefabricated prototype for road subdrainage by using rapid prototyping technology and experimental validation tests. The main results of each of these areas of study are presented in this document. Finally, the present Ph.D thesis aims at contributing to the advance in the state of knowledge of materials used in the road construction.