Estudio y análisis de las membranas flexibles como elemento de soporte para la estabilización de taludes y laderas de suelos y/o materiales sueltos

  1. Castro Fresno, Daniel
Dirigida per:
  1. Francisco Ballester Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 28 de de març de 2001

  1. Jose Luis Juan Aracil President/a
  2. Germán Gutiérrez Martín Secretari/ària
  3. Fernando Martínez-Abella Vocal
  4. Juan Antonio Polanco Madrazo Vocal
  5. Gonzalo Ramos Schneider Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 83069 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


Newly built slopes show a good aspect and a regular and stable surface, but for different agents quickly erode. One technique to use for the stabilization and control of erosion is the use of meshes braced to the ground through anchors. This facilitates revegetation, landscape integration, and a low environmental impact. The resuls of the study are two physical-mathematic models for the design of two flexible anti-erosion systems and for the excavation surface stabilization. In the first, the mesh is braced to the slope through anchors in horizontal lines and staggered (Punctual Model). In the second, the mesh transmits stresses to bracing elements and these to the anchors heads (Bidirectional Model). To validate the models, three installations for the flexible membranes were designed, the object of patents. For this type of systems, the use of flexible anisotropic membranes is indicated. These systems avoid slope erosion, gather the pressures exerted by it and transmit them to the anchor stable part