La educación de adultos en Europa

  1. Martí Puig, Manuel
Dirigida por:
  1. Luis Miguel Lázaro Lorente Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 01 de marzo de 2007

  1. Alejandro Mayordomo Pérez Presidente/a
  2. Joan María Senent Secretario/a
  3. Luis María Naya Garmendia Vocal
  4. Vicente Llorent-Bedmar Vocal
  5. Aida Terrón Bañuelos Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

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Being over the theories about the apprenticeship based on the intelligence and the academic efficiency, that understood the adult period as a period of decline and lose of faculties, we would like to develop not only practical apprenticeship but also academic, what will make possible that adult people will be able to develop their capacities. Despite the levels of illiteracy have decreased, illiteracy still exists. This fact makes difficult the complete integration in the society. The basic education is understood as a necessary element to start the walking in the working world, as long as to make a good use of the leisure time or to accede to other levels of the educative system. One of the most important problems of the contemporary society is the social confusion, which can be observed in the uprooting and the lack of sense of belonging to a community, resulting in the difficulty to participate in an active way, not only in a social level but also in a working level. One of the elements that can help to overcome all this problems is the education of adult people, which is included inside a wider process that goes from the childhood to the death, and it is called Permanent Education. With the clear objective of analysing the international conferences about Adult People Education that UNESCO had realised. We also show projects developed about apprenticeship through life based on aims such as the universal access to education, the improvement of the shelf appraisal of the participants or the offer of the permanent apprenticeship. The new technologies have given rise to the society of information that has created an increase of the formative claim due to not only the necessity of actualising but also of widening knowledge. The cue element in this process is internet, which has facilitated the double direction of the information by means of the interaction and has given rise to new concepts such as virtual classroom or web quest. Apart from realising a revision of the five conferences about Adult People Education that the European Union has promoted, it has been done a research about this educational modality divided into two parts. The first one taking into account the fifteen countries that form the Union and the second one in which we have considered the ten new countries of future incorporation. In order to do this, we have focused on the information given by Eurybase and the World Bank. Regarding our country, apart from having included it in the previous section, we have done a historical overhaul up to nowadays, analysing comparatively the different Autonomous Communities (Comunidades Autónomas) that have specific laws about this subject. In order to finish, we have compared the LOGSE and the LOCE from the perspective of Adult People Education.