Formación en materia de espacios escolares en las facultades de formación del profesorado

  1. Inés Fombella Coto 1
  2. Inés López Manrique 1
  3. Sandra Palhares 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


  2. 2 Universidade do Minho

    Universidade do Minho

    Braga, Portugal


XV Congreso Internacional Gallegoportugués de Psicopedagogía: II Congreso de la Asociación Científica Internacional de Psicopedagogía (A Coruña, 4-6 de septiembre de 2019)
  1. Manuel Peralbo (coord.)
  2. Alicia Risso (coord.)
  3. Alfonso Barca (coord.)
  4. Bento Duarte (coord.)
  5. Leandro Almeida (coord.)
  6. Juan Carlos Brenlla (coord.)

Publisher: Universidade do Minho ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-726-8

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 1070-1081

Congress: Congreso Internacional Gallego-Portugués de Psicopedagogía (15. 2019. A Coruña)

Type: Conference paper


In recent years, several factors have caused changes at different levels in education: from the introduction of new teaching methods that actively involve students, to the increasingly widespread use of new information technologies as a teaching resource. This process involves changes in educational spaces, affecting, for example, the layout of the classrooms, the type of groupings that collaborative work involves or different work areas that project-based learning may require. This paper gathers evidences of the relationship between architecture and education, as well as the importance of teacher training about educational spaces. Moreover, an innovation project is described. It will be carried out in the next academic year 2019/2020 within the degree of Master in Primary Education at the University of Oviedo from the Visual Arts Education area as an attempt to introduce this type of considerations in the initial teacher training. The results will determine the project´s suitability, evaluating its effectiveness and allowing the analysis of the proposal, as well as its modification and / or adaptation for other subjects and faculties.