Una aproximación rigurosa a la Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria (EFyC) en el Servicio Nacional de Salud (NHS) británicoLa eficiencia como prioridad
- 1 Centro de Salud Otero (Oviedo)
ISSN: 2254-8270
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
Pages: 24-35
Type: Article
More publications in: RqR Enfermería Comunitaria
The comparative analysis in the field of Primary Care in other European health system s, such us the British model, a reference in the origins of public health nursing and leader in nursing research and innovation, provides a means to examine the reality of the Spanish panorama with a different perspective, broaden horizons on nursing careers and a way to learn how to implement organisational change within the Spanish NHS based upon equal opportunities, and promoting evidence based practice (EBP) within SCPHN. Financial, managerial and ethical dilemmas arise in the practice of community nurs ing embraced by two health system paradigms with similarities such as a public funding, equity and access or technical equipment, but also with differences of great interest on specialisation or health policy development, identifying gaps and areas for imp rovement and consideration of urgent measures to improve management of resources. Revision of current models of healthcare is required to achieve higher levels of autonomy, expertise and service quality in Primary Care Nursing for an ultimate community health development.
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