Las clasificaciones de los hábitats naturales de la Unión Europea y las Directivas Hábitats.Las formaciones leñosas altas atlánticas ibéricas.

  1. José Antonio Fernández Prieto 1
  2. Tomás Emilio Díaz González 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


Naturalia Cantabricae

ISSN: 1577-1814

Année de publication: 2003

Número: 2

Pages: 25-32

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Naturalia Cantabricae


The process followed by the European Union for the classification of habitats and its incidence on the designation and typification of the habitats of Community interest, priority or not, are included in Annex I of the 92/43/EEC and the 97/62/EC Directives are described. The problems which arise in the interpretation and application of these Directives to forests and tall shrubs in the Iberian Atlantic region are examined herein. From this analysis, we have derived the proposal for the application of the Habitat Directives which we understand as being the most in coherence with the analysed documents.