Bank ownership, lending relationships and capital structureEvidence from Spain
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 2340-9444, 2340-9436
Ano de publicación: 2019
Volume: 22
Número: 2
Páxinas: 137-154
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Business Research Quarterly
This paper analyses the influence of bank ownership and lending on capital structure for a sample of listed and unlisted Spanish firms in the period 2005---2012. The results suggest that bank ownership allows banks to obtain better information and reduce the agency costs of debt, as it has a positive relationship with the maturity of debt and a negative relationship with the cost of debt. These results are consistent with the predominance of the monitoring effect in bank ownership over the expropriation effect. The role of banks as shareholders and lenders also contributes to reduce agency cost of debt, as it reduces debt cost.
Información de financiamento
Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness via Projects ECO2012-31772 and ECO2015-66184-R is gratefully acknowledgedFinanciadores
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- ECO2012-31772
- ECO2015-66184-R
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