Potencialidad didáctico-creativa de un álbum ilustrado enriquecido con recursos digitales y realidad aumentada
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 2254-0059
Year of publication: 2019
Issue Title: E-liderazgo en contextos educativos
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Pages: 108-128
Type: Article
More publications in: EDMETIC
This paper presents a descriptive analysis of the opportunities provided by an innovative proposal with augmented reality, based on children’s literature. The proposal, designed for infant education teachers’ training, is built on thepicturebookRosie’s Walk. It is intended to promote an approach to children’s literature -together with other contents-from an immersive, interactive and game-based approach. As it is a case study, a qualitative methodology is used. Three analysis dimensions are established: a) didactic, formulating its pedagogical design (contents, activities and resources); b) digital, mentioning the AR levels implemented, the interactive resources included, the stimuli provided and the spaces represented, and c) creative, describing the 3D model designed. The descriptive analysis of this proposal reveals its great educational potential, as it promotes the development of a global competence. It also favoursthe addressing of infant education contents, as well as the approaching to digital and augmented resources, and, especially, to literary texts from a playful perspective. For these reasons this proposal is a highly motivating resource, which can be considered a suitable model for future teachers. They can enrich other picturebooks with augmented reality in order to promote multiples literacies by means of integrating multiple languages, and to transform reading into an immersive and enriching activity.
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