Relación entre la permeabilidad teórica y experimental en suelos del entorno de Oviedo (Asturias, NW de España)

  1. A. García Fernández 1
  2. V. G. Ruiz de Argandoña 1
  3. A, Setién 1
  4. A. Rodríguez-Rey 1
  5. L. Calleja 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Oviedo
Trabajos de geología

ISSN: 0474-9588

Année de publication: 2016

Titre de la publication: Marcos Vallaure

Número: 36

Pages: 191-202

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Trabajos de geología


The permeability to water of three soils in the surroundings of Oviedo (N of Spain) and its relationship with some of their index properties has been studied. The characterization and geotechnical classification made in the field allow us to distinguish three soil types: an alluvial soil (Nora), a colluvial soil (Ules) and an eluvial soil (Piedramuelle). The index properties for classifying soils according to the Unified System of Soil Classification (USCS) have been measured in the laboratory. The theoretical and experimental permeability coefficients have been determined, using a steady flow permeameter for the experimental one. The comparison between these coefficients and their relationship with the soil index properties have been studied.

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