Líneas de investigación del Grupo de Óptica de la Visión de la Universidad de Valladolid

  1. Santiago Mar Sardaña
  2. Juan A. Aparicio
  3. Isabel Arranz de la Fuente
  4. J. T. Blanco Mezquita
  5. V. R. González
  6. C Martínez García
  7. B. M. Matesanz
  8. José A. Menéndez
  9. Jesús Merayo Lloves
  10. S. B. Nájera
  11. L. Padierna
  12. Guadalupe Rodríguez Zarzuelo
  13. R. M. Torres
  14. J. G. Vizmanos
Óptica pura y aplicada

ISSN: 2171-8814

Year of publication: 2006

Issue Title: VIII Comité de Ciencias de la visión

Volume: 39

Issue: 3

Pages: 235-245

Type: Article

More publications in: Óptica pura y aplicada


Research lines of the Visual Optics Group at the University of Valladolid are presented in this work. First of them is devoted to the measurement of transmittance and scattering in corneal tissues; second one is devoted to the analysis of cellular changes during corneal healing. Finally, the third one is devoted to the analysis of the influence of the spatial and temporal changes of the retinal illumination on the visual response.