Morfología de las curetas periodontales II: ángulo en la punta y ángulos de filo

  1. José Blanco-Moreno y Lueje
  2. Alberto Sicilia Felechosa
  3. José Mª Tejerina Lobo
  4. Julio Galván Guerrero
RCOE: Revista del Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España

ISSN: 1138-123X

Ano de publicación: 1998

Volume: 3

Número: 8

Páxinas: 729-737

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: RCOE: Revista del Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España


Objective: To assess the amplitude of the angles of the active parts of three different periodontal curettes and to match them with the described quality morphological standards. Material and methods: We studied the end "5" of 10 Curettes 5/6R Gracey and the "4r" of 10 curettes 4r/4l Columbia of each of the manufacturers (Hu-Friedy ®, LM Dental ® and Nordent ®), being a total of 60 active parts, we will appoint with the initials of the mark followed by the D The type of the Curette. With a stereoscopic magnifying glass, photographs (30X) of each active part were taken, focusing the point in frontal and lateral visions in order to measure the angles formed between the upper layer of the curettes and their lateral (s) face (ies) and anterior. Results and discussion: The three markings have a great variability, both in the values of the angle at the tip, as the value (s) of the active angle (ies) being the significant differences (P < 0,005) for both Gracey and Columbia. The standard value (70-80°), of the angle at the tip, is not fulfilled in any of the curettes of the three marks studied.