The allomorphs of direct object clitic pronouns and their geolectal variation in western Asturias

  1. Ramón de Andrés
  2. Fernando Álvarez-Balbuena
  3. María Cueto
  4. Miguel R. Monteavaro
  5. Xosé Miguel Suárez

ISSN: 2013-2247

Año de publicación: 2015

Número: 5

Páginas: 219-240

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Dialectologia


The subject of this contribution is the geolectal distribution of some morphosyntactic phenomena in the Eo - Navia strip, a linguistic boundary between the Galician - Portuguese and Astur - Leonese domains in the westernmost side of Asturias. Those phenomena concern the 3 rd person direct object clitic pronouns and their allomorphs, conditioned by the previous phonic envir onment: - r , - s , - n and diphthong. The data – obtained from the project ETLEN – are presented according to two options of classification and two of geolectal analysis. The two options of classification are: (1) according to the forms of the pronouns; (2) ac cording to «existence» or «nonexistence» of pronominal variation. The two geolectal analyses are: dialectographic or «classic», with attention to the distribution of variation areas in 40 villages; and «horiometric», considering distribution of percentages of geotypological assignment (Galician - Portuguese vs. Astur - Leonese phenomena). The results show that the chosen phenomena of geolectal variation are also part of the well - known «isogloss bundle» marking the boundary between both domains.

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