Inteligencia emocional y mediadores motivacionales en una temporada de Educación Deportiva sobre mimo
- Méndez-Giménez, Antonio 1
- Martínez de Ojeda-Pérez, Diego 2
- Valverde-Pérez, Juan José 2
- 1 Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación. Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación. Universidad de Oviedo. España
- 2 CEIP Profesor Enrique Tierno. Lobosillo, Murcia. España
ISSN: 1578-2174
Ano de publicación: 2017
Volume: 19
Número: 1
Páxinas: 52-72
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Ágora para la educación física y el deporte
During the course of a mime season, the effects of the Sport Education model (ED) on students’ emotional intelligence (attention, clarity and repair) and motivational mediators (relationship, autonomy, and perceived competence) were explored. A quasi-experimental study was conducted with pretest-posttest measures, in which 94 students (50 males, 44 females) 6th year of primary education, with an average age of 11.62 years (SD = ,79), were distributed in experimental and control groups. Qualitative instruments were used to deepen further the dependent variables in the experimental group: teacher dairy, and teacher and students interviews. Students on ED group obtained significant improvements in all dependent variables, surpassing the control group. Qualitative analysis confirmed these results. Results extend the evidence for ED model to address a traditionally undervalued content in physical education, such as body language (mime), and suggest the alliance between the ED model and the content in order to multiply the desired positive effects in terms of psychosocial development and well-being.
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