El Aborto inducido y sus determinantes sociodemográficos. Un estudio en 27 países europeos

  1. Llorente-Marrón, Mar 1
  2. Díaz-Fernández, Montserrat 1
  3. Dema Moreno, Sandra 1
  4. Méndez-Rodríguez, Paz 1
  1. 1 Universidad Oviedo
Anales de ASEPUMA

ISSN: 2171-892X

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 24

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de ASEPUMA

Sustainable development goals


Induced abortion is a global phenomenon that varies according to socio-demographic patterns and in which the particular characteristics of each country play a key role. The knowledge of the individual determinants and socioeconomic characteristics that justify the decision to voluntarily terminate an unwanted pregnancy is a fundamental aspect in order to design public policies that effectively guarantee women's sexual and reproductive rights. The aim of the paper is to analyze the socioeconomic determinants of abortion in Europa from a temporal and spatial perspective. By means of panel data model determinants and socioeconomic characteristics of each cross piece in relation to this practice are analyzed. The estimated model captures the unobservable heterogeneity among regions highlighting the influence on it of factors related to access to employment, education, age at first birth, economic conditions, etc. in addition to the traits unobserved influencing the behavior of the dependent variable

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