Diagnóstico del sistema de protección y propuestas de intervención para la predicción y prevención de feminicidios en contexto de pareja o expareja

  1. Javier Gustavo Fernández Teruelo 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España

    ROR https://ror.org/006gksa02

Revista electrónica de ciencia penal y criminología

ISSN: 1695-0194

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 19

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista electrónica de ciencia penal y criminología


After noting that, despite all the measures adopted to combat gender-based violence, the annual number of partner femicides has not been significantly reduced in Spain, the causes that determine the ineffectiveness of the prevention system against this type of crime are analysed. In this sense, different factors such as the number of femicides that commit suicide or attempt suicide, show the evident ineffectiveness of the criminal threat against the perpetrators of the act. Similarly, the role of the decision to break the relationship is noted as a factor of maximum risk and the low effectiveness of police feminicide prediction systems (VPR). Finally, it analyses the little sense of making the functioning of the protection system dependent on the previous filing of a complaint, when in practice the percentage of complaints is very low. The last part of the work is devoted to the formulation of a series of proposals that try to avoid the defects stated.

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