Papel de la literatura en la formación del médico. Una experiencia en el segundo curso del grado en Medicina en la Universidad de Oviedo

  1. Javier Bordallo 1
  2. Begoña Cantabrana 1
  3. Agustín Hidalgo 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


FEM. Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

ISSN: 2014-9832 2014-9840

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Ausgabe: 19

Nummer: 6

Seiten: 301-310

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: FEM. Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica


Introduction. Literature is one of the humanistic disciplines playing a role in the training of medical students. Subjects and methods. The activity has been performed over three academic years included in an optional subject of the second year of the Medicine Degree. Professor introduced the activity and showed examples of the relationship between literature and aspects of the medical profession in a two-hour class. Then, students chosen a book and prepared a written assignment on such book. Results. An increasing number of students (from 54 to 127) have taken the course; a total of 90 books were used (45.5% published after 2000) being El árbol de la ciencia (The Tree of Knowledge), the most commented one. Infectious (15.5%), psychiatric (15.5%), neurologic (13.8%) and oncologic diseases (10.3%) were the most frequently discussed and issues related to doctors (33.1%), patients (22.1%) and the doctor-patient relationship were the most frequently cited. Students’ scores on the activity ranged from 8.3 and 9 (out of 10) in the three years. Opinions regarding the activity have been positive and it has been considered useful for different aspects of Medicine: the humanistic formation (4.5 out of 5), the doctor-patient relationship (4.5), the patient’s attitude towards disease (4.4) or the social dimension of disease (4.4). Conclusion. The activity has been favorably evaluated by students who consider it useful in the training of medical students.