Asturiasimpulso metropolitano para afrontar nuevos desafíos
Universidad de Oviedo
- Moral Rincón, María José (coord.)
ISSN: 0210-9107
Year of publication: 2016
Issue Title: Las comunidades autónomas dispuestas a crecer
Issue: 148
Pages: 29-43
Type: Article
More publications in: Papeles de economía española
After decades of investment efforts in equipment and infrastructure, present Asturias is very different from that which had to face the industrial setting of 80. Nowadays, Asturias has good communications together with first-class public and private facilities. However, a comparative analysis of the evolution of the Gross Value Added per capita, subsequently broken down into its components, allows us to identify the main current challenges: (i) facing up a growing aging and population decline, (ii) increasing the productivity of commercial and knowledge intensive services, (iii) diversifying its industry, preferably into technology-intensive industries. There are possible strategies and initiatives aimed at these new challenges to be explored. Nevertheless, literature clearly highlights the significance of urban agglomerations on challenges like those which Asturias faces. In this regard, the metropolitan area which emerges in the center of the region could hold the key to changing demographic trends and encouraging creativity along with entrepreneurial dynamism, in order to improve productivity and reduce excessive specialization.
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