A computerized adaptive test for enterprising personality assessment in youth
- 1 Universidad de Oviedo (España)
ISSN: 0214-9915
Año de publicación: 2016
Volumen: 28
Número: 4
Páginas: 471-478
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Psicothema
Backgound: Assessing specific personality traits has shown better predictive power of enterprising personality than have broad personality traits. Hitherto, there have been no instruments that evaluate the combination of specific personality traits of enterprising personality in an adaptive format. So, the aim was to develop a Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) to assess enterprising personality in young people. Methods: A pool of 161 items was developed and applied to two sets of participants (n1 = 357 students, Mage = 17.89; SDage = 3.26; n2 = 2,693 students; Mage = 16.52, SDage = 1.38) using a stratified sampling method. Results: 107 items that assess achievement motivation, risk-taking, innovativeness, autonomy, self-efficacy, stress tolerance, internal locus of control, and optimism were selected. The assumption of unidimensionality was tested. The CAT demonstrated high precision for a wide range of q, using a mean of 10 items and demonstrating a relatively low Standard Error (0.378). Conclusions: A brief, valid, and precise instrument was obtained with relevant implications for educational and entrepreneurial contexts.
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