Cálculo de desplazamientos en placas de vidrio laminado sometidas a carga estática mediante el concepto de módulo de elasticidad efectivo
ISSN: 0366-3175
Argitalpen urtea: 2015
Alea: 54
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 69-76
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio
In recent years, the use of laminated glass as a structural element has increased considerably, mainly in facades, roofs, stairs or security windows. Laminated glass elements are sandwich structures which presents a complex behaviour due to the combination of the mechanical properties of glass layers (linear-elastic) with the properties of the polymeric interlayer (linear-viscoelastic). Recently several authors have proposed the concept of effective thickness in order to simplify the laminated-glass static calculations, using a monolithic model with an equivalent flexural stiffness equal to that of the laminated element. Due to the variations of the laminated glass properties with temperature, introduced by the viscoelastic polymeric interlayer, for each different temperature, a different effective thickness must be determined. This particularity implies a large number of assessments for each of the possible working situations. In this work, the Young’s modulus concept is proposed as an efficient alternative to be used in finite elements models. The proposed methodology is validated by experimental tests on laminated glass plates under uniformly distributed load.