Las matrices múltiples de pizarra de la Seu de Mallorca en contextomodelos y paralelos

  1. Carrero Santamaría, Eduardo
  2. Pons Cortès, Antoni
Bolletí de la Societat Arqueològica Lul·liana: Revista d'Estudis Històrics

ISSN: 0212-7458

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 68

Pages: 75-90

Type: Article

More publications in: Bolletí de la Societat Arqueològica Lul·liana: Revista d'Estudis Històrics


The Cathedral and Archivo Capitular de Mallorca preserved two fragments of slate carved in negative moulds, representing various subjects, among them fishes, circles with geometric decoration and the image of a kinght galloping inspired in Gothic models of sigillography. The smallest of the fragments is unpublished, while the larger format has been mentioned in two publications and exhibited at the exhibition dedicated to James I at the Museum of Mallorca in 2009. Interpreted so far as a mould for bread, cakes and sweets, we propose a reinterpretation from the comparison with other multiple die-pieces from the same cultural context that reveal that it was actually a mould for working soft metals for badges and other decorative insignia.

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