Estabilidad de taludes excavados en formaciones superficiales en el Occidente de Asturias (España)
- López Fernández, Carlos 1
- Pando González, Luis Alberto 1
- Madrigal, M.A. 1
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 0474-9588
Year of publication: 2011
Issue: 31
Pages: 48-59
Type: Article
More publications in: Trabajos de geología
This paper gathers the main geological and geotechnical properties of the piedmont deposits and alteration mantles located in western Asturias, recently affected by linear infrastructures which required major excavations. Based on representative parameters of the identified units, the stability of different slope types is analyzed. There is an acceptable correlation between theoretical slopes and the evolution of current excavation, although any change in the geological local conditions involves the appearance of diverse instability processes, mostly related to related to the movement of groundwater.
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