Zonación morfodinámica e incidencia antrópica en los estuarios de Tina Mayor y Tina Menor (Costa Cantábrica).
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 0214-2708
Year of publication: 2002
Volume: 15
Issue: 3-4
Pages: 141-157
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España
Tina Menor and Tina Mayor estuaries, very similar in form and size, show notable differences in the expanse of the different estuarine environments. The first of them shows a more significant anthropization than Tina Menor. The identification of three terraces’ levels with particular geomorphologic characteristics and with different frequencies of tidal flooding made a morphodynamic zoning of both estuaries possible. The zoning showed a greater sedimentary fillings in Tina Mayor, where the lower terraces are less extensive than in Tina Menor. The characteristics of the Deva river basin, which flows into Tina Mayor, favor the production and drag of sediment. It’s interpreted that, with equality of other factors, is this the principal cause of the differences between these estuaries. This paper shows a methodology for the morphodynamic zoning of estuaries and the influence of the fluvial dynamic as a factor which is favorable or detrimental to the enjoyment of the estuarine terrain on the part of man. River basins which produce more sediments favor the sedimentary fillings and human occupation of the estuary, while in the opposite case, the tidal plains will be more extensive and its reclamation will require more human intervention.