Criterion of maximizing the expected quietness (invariant by translations in relation to the utilities).

  1. Gil Alvarez, María Angeles
Stochastica: revista de matemática pura y aplicada

ISSN: 0210-7821

Año de publicación: 1980

Volumen: 4

Número: 3

Páginas: 201-218

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Stochastica: revista de matemática pura y aplicada


In this paper we start from the following situation: a decision maker wants information about a certain parameter space for which he has a set of random variables with probability distribution depending on an unknown paremeter belonging to the mentioned space. Generally, we assume that the decision maker may observe values of any experiment but not of two simultaneous ones. This reason makes a comparison between them indispensable to choose the most appropriate for his objectives. Through the article we establish and study a comparison criterion which, between two variables, considers best that which provides more quietness about the parameter space (or which diminishes the unquietness about it).