Discursos juveniles sobre inmigraciónun análisis psicosociológico en estudiantes de ESO
- Agulló Tomás, Esteban 1
- Agulló Tomás, María Silveria
- Rodríguez Suárez, Julio 1
- Alexandra Gutierrez Cruz
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 0214-9915
Year of publication: 2004
Volume: 16
Issue: 3
Pages: 384-390
Type: Article
More publications in: Psicothema
Sustainable development goals
Youthful speeches on inmigration: a psycho-sociological analysis in secondary school students. The objective of this work consists in analyzing, through a psycho-social approach, the youthful speeches on inmigration of a sample of Asturian students, natives and inmigrants, who study Secondary Education. Using discussion groups as the central technic of the investigation and complementing it with other techniques as participant observation, interview to experts in subjects related to migratory phenomenon and different techniques of documentation, we try to unravel the way those students organize and give sense to this new multicultural reality, because we consider that the knowledge of their speeches is decisive to obtain scholastic integration of inmigrant people, and, therefore, to effectively take part in problems as segregation or racism that arise or could arise in educative contexts
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